Smart appliances were unveiled at the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Companies showed how their newest line of appliances, which when connected to the internet via Wi-Fi will be able to automatically do some very interesting functions, more efficiently for the consumer.
These appliances will be able to monitor their own energy use and operate more efficiently. For example, you can decide when to do laundry, or the washing machine can decide if it is more efficient to do laundry now or wait until a later time. This technology comes from LG's, new line of smart appliances called “Thinq” brand, pronounced “think-you”.
LG's newest refrigerator when internet connected will be able to text a shopping list to you based on what is low in the fridge and what is about to expire. LG also showed off its Smart Access system, which will let consumers operate their web-enabled appliances remotely from their smart phones or tablet computers. Now imagine what time that could save you! LG didn't say when these appliances would be available or what they would cost.
The Thinq concept centers around a WiFi grid built around a smart meter in order to be able to take advantage of the most cost-effective time to perform tasks such as laundry. The consumer could also choose the most convenient time rather than the most cost effective time to perform functions.
LG's HOM-BOT robotic vacuum cleaner will be able to clean, view the house and feed the dog, so they claim, as controlled by you and your smart phone or tablet computer. Do you want to know how often the fridge is opened during the day, or if the door is left open, and how much energy it is consuming? Your daily, weekly or monthly report will be able to tell you.
A smart appliance oven with Thinq technology may send a text message to its owner saying a roast is ready and the owner could remotely lower the temperature to keep the food warm. I wonder who would put the roast in the oven? Will the HOM-BOT put the roast in the oven while the owner is at work or busy out and about, or does the owner have to come home to put it in?
The arrival of Smart Appliances may put an end to the traditional service call for a malfunctioning appliance, because the ability for remote diagnostics would also be a part of these connected appliances.
There is still more education needed in the area of smart grid meters and smart grid. Many people are unaware of these concepts, so it is unlikely they will be eager to spend more money on appliances because of the energy saving and earth friendly benefits. Even once people are educated about these concepts, will they care enough to go and buy these appliances because of those reasons, or are they more likely to buy them for more shallow reasons such as their “WOW” factor?
People are likely to spend money for increased convenience and to have the latest previously unheard of novelty features a smart appliance offers. Just like in the case of iphones, they didn't become all the rage because existing phones didn't work, but rather because they were something new that did new, previously unheard of things, and many people wanted to be the first to own them.
Driving sales by marketing their “WOW” bells and whistles features may make more sense than spending money on education about smart meters and smart grids and how these smart appliances play their role in energy savings and in saving the environment. Smart appliances may have originally been conceived to save energy and the environment, but in concept quickly evolved to also have some very cool features, which are more likely to be the reason consumers purchase them.
South Korea based Samsung and Korean manufacturer LG have high aspirations to rapidly take over market share, with regard to large household appliances from Whirlpool, Electrolux and General Electric (GE). Whirlpool, GE and and Electrolux are also working on creating their own connected appliances.
With this race to market taking place now look for early versions of smart appliances to start arriving in stores in late 2011 or 2012. Most likely these appliances will further evolve beyond present imagination and become more commonplace in the next 5 years.
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