Monday, January 31, 2011
Did you know your window shades can be energy efficient? Find out about their insulation value
Friday, January 28, 2011
Smart Appliances on the Horizon- Here is the scoop for you.
Smart appliances were unveiled at the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Companies showed how their newest line of appliances, which when connected to the internet via Wi-Fi will be able to automatically do some very interesting functions, more efficiently for the consumer.
These appliances will be able to monitor their own energy use and operate more efficiently. For example, you can decide when to do laundry, or the washing machine can decide if it is more efficient to do laundry now or wait until a later time. This technology comes from LG's, new line of smart appliances called “Thinq” brand, pronounced “think-you”.
LG's newest refrigerator when internet connected will be able to text a shopping list to you based on what is low in the fridge and what is about to expire. LG also showed off its Smart Access system, which will let consumers operate their web-enabled appliances remotely from their smart phones or tablet computers. Now imagine what time that could save you! LG didn't say when these appliances would be available or what they would cost.
The Thinq concept centers around a WiFi grid built around a smart meter in order to be able to take advantage of the most cost-effective time to perform tasks such as laundry. The consumer could also choose the most convenient time rather than the most cost effective time to perform functions.
LG's HOM-BOT robotic vacuum cleaner will be able to clean, view the house and feed the dog, so they claim, as controlled by you and your smart phone or tablet computer. Do you want to know how often the fridge is opened during the day, or if the door is left open, and how much energy it is consuming? Your daily, weekly or monthly report will be able to tell you.
A smart appliance oven with Thinq technology may send a text message to its owner saying a roast is ready and the owner could remotely lower the temperature to keep the food warm. I wonder who would put the roast in the oven? Will the HOM-BOT put the roast in the oven while the owner is at work or busy out and about, or does the owner have to come home to put it in?
The arrival of Smart Appliances may put an end to the traditional service call for a malfunctioning appliance, because the ability for remote diagnostics would also be a part of these connected appliances.
There is still more education needed in the area of smart grid meters and smart grid. Many people are unaware of these concepts, so it is unlikely they will be eager to spend more money on appliances because of the energy saving and earth friendly benefits. Even once people are educated about these concepts, will they care enough to go and buy these appliances because of those reasons, or are they more likely to buy them for more shallow reasons such as their “WOW” factor?
People are likely to spend money for increased convenience and to have the latest previously unheard of novelty features a smart appliance offers. Just like in the case of iphones, they didn't become all the rage because existing phones didn't work, but rather because they were something new that did new, previously unheard of things, and many people wanted to be the first to own them.
Driving sales by marketing their “WOW” bells and whistles features may make more sense than spending money on education about smart meters and smart grids and how these smart appliances play their role in energy savings and in saving the environment. Smart appliances may have originally been conceived to save energy and the environment, but in concept quickly evolved to also have some very cool features, which are more likely to be the reason consumers purchase them.
South Korea based Samsung and Korean manufacturer LG have high aspirations to rapidly take over market share, with regard to large household appliances from Whirlpool, Electrolux and General Electric (GE). Whirlpool, GE and and Electrolux are also working on creating their own connected appliances.
With this race to market taking place now look for early versions of smart appliances to start arriving in stores in late 2011 or 2012. Most likely these appliances will further evolve beyond present imagination and become more commonplace in the next 5 years.
For more details on energy efficiency at home please see
For information about energy efficient appliances please see
These appliances will be able to monitor their own energy use and operate more efficiently. For example, you can decide when to do laundry, or the washing machine can decide if it is more efficient to do laundry now or wait until a later time. This technology comes from LG's, new line of smart appliances called “Thinq” brand, pronounced “think-you”.
LG's newest refrigerator when internet connected will be able to text a shopping list to you based on what is low in the fridge and what is about to expire. LG also showed off its Smart Access system, which will let consumers operate their web-enabled appliances remotely from their smart phones or tablet computers. Now imagine what time that could save you! LG didn't say when these appliances would be available or what they would cost.
The Thinq concept centers around a WiFi grid built around a smart meter in order to be able to take advantage of the most cost-effective time to perform tasks such as laundry. The consumer could also choose the most convenient time rather than the most cost effective time to perform functions.
LG's HOM-BOT robotic vacuum cleaner will be able to clean, view the house and feed the dog, so they claim, as controlled by you and your smart phone or tablet computer. Do you want to know how often the fridge is opened during the day, or if the door is left open, and how much energy it is consuming? Your daily, weekly or monthly report will be able to tell you.
A smart appliance oven with Thinq technology may send a text message to its owner saying a roast is ready and the owner could remotely lower the temperature to keep the food warm. I wonder who would put the roast in the oven? Will the HOM-BOT put the roast in the oven while the owner is at work or busy out and about, or does the owner have to come home to put it in?
The arrival of Smart Appliances may put an end to the traditional service call for a malfunctioning appliance, because the ability for remote diagnostics would also be a part of these connected appliances.
There is still more education needed in the area of smart grid meters and smart grid. Many people are unaware of these concepts, so it is unlikely they will be eager to spend more money on appliances because of the energy saving and earth friendly benefits. Even once people are educated about these concepts, will they care enough to go and buy these appliances because of those reasons, or are they more likely to buy them for more shallow reasons such as their “WOW” factor?
People are likely to spend money for increased convenience and to have the latest previously unheard of novelty features a smart appliance offers. Just like in the case of iphones, they didn't become all the rage because existing phones didn't work, but rather because they were something new that did new, previously unheard of things, and many people wanted to be the first to own them.
Driving sales by marketing their “WOW” bells and whistles features may make more sense than spending money on education about smart meters and smart grids and how these smart appliances play their role in energy savings and in saving the environment. Smart appliances may have originally been conceived to save energy and the environment, but in concept quickly evolved to also have some very cool features, which are more likely to be the reason consumers purchase them.
South Korea based Samsung and Korean manufacturer LG have high aspirations to rapidly take over market share, with regard to large household appliances from Whirlpool, Electrolux and General Electric (GE). Whirlpool, GE and and Electrolux are also working on creating their own connected appliances.
With this race to market taking place now look for early versions of smart appliances to start arriving in stores in late 2011 or 2012. Most likely these appliances will further evolve beyond present imagination and become more commonplace in the next 5 years.
For more details on energy efficiency at home please see
For information about energy efficient appliances please see
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Dual Flush Toilets - What You Need to Know & Why
Dual flush toilets are a great way to conserve water and make your bathroom more environmentally friendly. Flushing toilets is a major use of water and an expected part of bathroom hygiene, however, many toilets waste way more water than is necessary.
Dual flush toilets were invented by an Australian, Bruce Thompson in 1980. They are widely used in Australia, Asia and Europe and Israel. In some places it is mandatory that all new toilets are made that way.
Presently the US requires newer toilet designs to flush at 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf) maximum, however there is no widespread requirement for the dual flush option, which is lower volume flush. It's too bad we don't push dual flush toilets more to save water. Perhaps we feel it fringes upon peoples freedom to require something like this. To conserve water though it would make sense to require new toilets to have this feature
One is a full flush for solid waste and the other ½ flush is for liquid waste. Dual flush toilets are available for purchase in the US, but they just aren't as commonplace as in some other countries.
If you aren't in the market for a new toilet, you can purchase a retrofit conversion kit and install it in your existing toilet. Imagine how much water and money schools, and multi-family dwellings could save if they installed dual flush retrofit conversions.
For the ultra economic, no frill way to save water you can fill a water bottle or slightly larger plastic bottle with sand or little rocks, put the lid on and put it in the toilet tank away from the interior components to take up some of the space the water normally occupies. The water will still fill to the same line in the tank but will be less water than before you put the bottle in the tank.
Early water saving toilet models occasionally had some problems with flushing, however since then the design of the trap and flushing mechanism has improved to where they are becoming more popular in America. In other words maybe you heard about some dissatisfaction in the past with these type of toilets, however, that is no longer a reason to avoid them now, because now they work better.
High efficiency toilets (HETs) can be single flush or dual flush. Some are power-assisted or pump-assisted or vacuum-assisted. The maximum performance scores (MaP) range from 250 to 1100. The EPA Water Sense Program requires 350 MaP as the minimum standard. That means the toilet must be able to flush 350 grams of waste in one flush. A MaP of toilet fixtures can be found here.
Dual Flush toilets use a larger trap to remove waste with less water pressure. The larger trap helps to prevent your toilet from clogging! Yes say goodbye to clogged overflowing toilets! Now that you have heard that good news don't forget to call your water provider or municipality to see if they offer a rebate for purchase of a high efficiency toilet.
When you are shopping for a new toilet, first narrow it down to ones that are EPA Water Sense compliant. Then decide if you want a one or two piece toilet. One piece may be easier to clean, but more expensive and harder to install. Toilet bowls also come in two heights, and two shapes - either round or elongated. With changes in the trap size and shape most gravity toilets today work as well as the pressure-assisted toilets. Pressure-assisted toilets have a louder flush.
By purchasing a dual flush toilet you are conserving water, a precious resource. Less than 3 percent of the water on earth is fresh water. We can't easily reach most of that water because it it located in glaciers, icecaps or below the earth. You can do your part to conserve water by purchasing a dual flush toilet or installing a dual flush conversion retrofit in your existing toilet and telling others about it. Some people have never heard of them so lets help educate the public about the benefits of using a dual flush toilet.
For information about energy efficiency and conservation in your home please see
Dual flush toilets were invented by an Australian, Bruce Thompson in 1980. They are widely used in Australia, Asia and Europe and Israel. In some places it is mandatory that all new toilets are made that way.
Presently the US requires newer toilet designs to flush at 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf) maximum, however there is no widespread requirement for the dual flush option, which is lower volume flush. It's too bad we don't push dual flush toilets more to save water. Perhaps we feel it fringes upon peoples freedom to require something like this. To conserve water though it would make sense to require new toilets to have this feature
One is a full flush for solid waste and the other ½ flush is for liquid waste. Dual flush toilets are available for purchase in the US, but they just aren't as commonplace as in some other countries.
If you aren't in the market for a new toilet, you can purchase a retrofit conversion kit and install it in your existing toilet. Imagine how much water and money schools, and multi-family dwellings could save if they installed dual flush retrofit conversions.
For the ultra economic, no frill way to save water you can fill a water bottle or slightly larger plastic bottle with sand or little rocks, put the lid on and put it in the toilet tank away from the interior components to take up some of the space the water normally occupies. The water will still fill to the same line in the tank but will be less water than before you put the bottle in the tank.
Early water saving toilet models occasionally had some problems with flushing, however since then the design of the trap and flushing mechanism has improved to where they are becoming more popular in America. In other words maybe you heard about some dissatisfaction in the past with these type of toilets, however, that is no longer a reason to avoid them now, because now they work better.
High efficiency toilets (HETs) can be single flush or dual flush. Some are power-assisted or pump-assisted or vacuum-assisted. The maximum performance scores (MaP) range from 250 to 1100. The EPA Water Sense Program requires 350 MaP as the minimum standard. That means the toilet must be able to flush 350 grams of waste in one flush. A MaP of toilet fixtures can be found here.
Dual Flush toilets use a larger trap to remove waste with less water pressure. The larger trap helps to prevent your toilet from clogging! Yes say goodbye to clogged overflowing toilets! Now that you have heard that good news don't forget to call your water provider or municipality to see if they offer a rebate for purchase of a high efficiency toilet.
When you are shopping for a new toilet, first narrow it down to ones that are EPA Water Sense compliant. Then decide if you want a one or two piece toilet. One piece may be easier to clean, but more expensive and harder to install. Toilet bowls also come in two heights, and two shapes - either round or elongated. With changes in the trap size and shape most gravity toilets today work as well as the pressure-assisted toilets. Pressure-assisted toilets have a louder flush.
By purchasing a dual flush toilet you are conserving water, a precious resource. Less than 3 percent of the water on earth is fresh water. We can't easily reach most of that water because it it located in glaciers, icecaps or below the earth. You can do your part to conserve water by purchasing a dual flush toilet or installing a dual flush conversion retrofit in your existing toilet and telling others about it. Some people have never heard of them so lets help educate the public about the benefits of using a dual flush toilet.
For information about energy efficiency and conservation in your home please see
dual flush toilet,
dual flush toilets,
water saver toilet
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
did you know energy vampires live in your house, apartment, condo or townhouse? Find out where...
Did you know your habits contribute to waste of electricity and money? find out how at
Hello world. I enjoy the internet! If you need some ideas on how to make your home more energy efficient go to
Friday, January 21, 2011
An Energy Efficient Home starts with You.. Find out for free what you can do ...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Energy Efficiency Not Sexy Enough To Get Attention
The notion of energy efficiency just isn't sexy enough to get people's attention it seems. How can we make the topic more sexy and interesting in order to get more people to participate in energy efficiency measures?
When people hear about energy efficiency ideas they usually like them, but do little or nothing about it. Is it laziness, apathy, or why is it that some very easy energy saving measures that would save people money are just ignored? People tend to stay in their habit ruts unless something drastic pushes them to do something different. If you can't afford your electric bill then maybe you will take some measures to reduce it to an affordable level.
I was happy when my daughter brought home a conservation challenge sheet home from elementary school.
It listed ways to conserve energy, combine transportation, reduce waste, recycling, water conservation and gave all kinds of tips. Then the sheet asked you to go over these tips with your child and decide which ones your family would like to commit to doing. I thought it was an excellent idea. More tips here
When I went to school there was no such thing as conserving to save the planet. Kids enjoy that though, so while they are young and motivated and truly believe they alone can save the planet we should truly encourage their conservation efforts. Eventually some will rub off on the adults around them and more people will start to care. More about going green
As a parent I probably care more about what happens to the earth than your average person because I care about my children and their future. So rather than trying to get uninterested people involved in energy conservation, why not start with people that are more likely to care like children and parents and try to build social pressure outward to include other people an encourage them to jump on board the energy conservation train.
Energy efficiency is a topic that requires someone to DO something in order to participate. Are we too caught up in our lives, jobs, TV shows and the like, to care about the future? What people fail to realize is that these energy efficiency habits save you money. Who doesn't need some extra money?
Energy efficiency consists of many habits that are free to learn and do. Other energy efficiency measures involve spending some money such as doing home improvements and upgrading appliances, but you can start where you feel comfortable. Once you start some of these measures you will become conscious of more that you can participate in and you'll have that warm fuzzy feeling that you are doing your part to help save the planet. More about energy conservation
One individual effort alone may not make a big difference but when added together with everyone elses' individual efforts does make a huge difference. So where ever you are help out in your own way with energy efficiency and conservation of water, and natural resources by recycling.
More about energy efficient appliances
Please visit my other website at
Any thoughts on how to make getting involved more interesting or sexy or trendy? Any thoughts on how to increase social pressure to get involved? I would love to hear them!
When people hear about energy efficiency ideas they usually like them, but do little or nothing about it. Is it laziness, apathy, or why is it that some very easy energy saving measures that would save people money are just ignored? People tend to stay in their habit ruts unless something drastic pushes them to do something different. If you can't afford your electric bill then maybe you will take some measures to reduce it to an affordable level.
I was happy when my daughter brought home a conservation challenge sheet home from elementary school.
It listed ways to conserve energy, combine transportation, reduce waste, recycling, water conservation and gave all kinds of tips. Then the sheet asked you to go over these tips with your child and decide which ones your family would like to commit to doing. I thought it was an excellent idea. More tips here
When I went to school there was no such thing as conserving to save the planet. Kids enjoy that though, so while they are young and motivated and truly believe they alone can save the planet we should truly encourage their conservation efforts. Eventually some will rub off on the adults around them and more people will start to care. More about going green
As a parent I probably care more about what happens to the earth than your average person because I care about my children and their future. So rather than trying to get uninterested people involved in energy conservation, why not start with people that are more likely to care like children and parents and try to build social pressure outward to include other people an encourage them to jump on board the energy conservation train.
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recycle symbol |
Children's shows on TV seem to feature the occasional promotion of earth friendly habits like recycling which is nice to see. I would like to see more advertising along those lines featuring children our kids watch on TV. They have a lot of influence. Who would pay for such promotional efforts? Perhaps the US Department of Energy could kick in a few dollars and other waste management companies that want to promote recycling. More about recycling
Energy efficiency consists of many habits that are free to learn and do. Other energy efficiency measures involve spending some money such as doing home improvements and upgrading appliances, but you can start where you feel comfortable. Once you start some of these measures you will become conscious of more that you can participate in and you'll have that warm fuzzy feeling that you are doing your part to help save the planet. More about energy conservation
One individual effort alone may not make a big difference but when added together with everyone elses' individual efforts does make a huge difference. So where ever you are help out in your own way with energy efficiency and conservation of water, and natural resources by recycling.
More about energy efficient appliances
Please visit my other website at
Any thoughts on how to make getting involved more interesting or sexy or trendy? Any thoughts on how to increase social pressure to get involved? I would love to hear them!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Conservation for Kids- prepare our children for caring for our planet.
Below is some content I created for my other website which I think might be of interest to you so I am reprinting it here.
Conservation for kids is being taught in some elementary schools today, however it is also up to parents and care givers to help educate children about what they can do to help look after the Earth. It used to be easier when all we had to do was ask them to pick up their trash and throw it out, but now we should be teaching them about recycling as well.
Children love a cause and are often eager to help out with saving the Earth because it sounds so noble.
Green kids love to tell parents when their actions aren't earth friendly. They also like to tell other kids who are not being earth friendly what they should do. Since the Earth will be passed on to them why not teach them while they are young to care for it? Tell them they are part of the go green kids club.
Conservation for kids may involve some occasional sacrifices such as less water play with the hose or limited water play. At least have them play on lawn that needs water rather than on the driveway.
Kids enjoy washing cars so if you are going to let them, do it on the grass that needs water, not the driveway. Commercial car washes use less water than hand washing in many cases. Some car washes reuse the final rinse water in the cycle for the initial water on the next car wash.
Green kids like to recycle. Have them help you out by sorting into the various bins for curbside pickup, or if you take recycling to a facility have them sort items as needed in advance.
Have kids take off their shoes before walking on the carpet to decrease the amount of dirt and debris brought inside and reduce the amount of times you have to vacuum.
Children, especially girls sometimes change clothes many times a day. If she had it on for only 10 minutes and dropped it on the floor, it probably doesn't need washing yet. Have her wear it another time before washing it.
Help your children to go through their closets and sort out clothing that is too small for them so that they can be donated or given to a friend. Teach them to take care of their clothing and toys so they don't break and end up in a landfill, but can be given away to less fortunate children.
If you live close enough to school, and weather or climate permits, let your children ride a bike to school. Or, rather than drive them individually, car pool with neighbors or have them ride the bus.
Obviously, you don't want to deprive our children of their childhood, so use your best judgment with these ideas. It is much easier to get them involved at younger ages than older ages.
Please visit my other website for many more tips by clicking Here.
Also has some excellent books amazon's energy efficient homes
Conservation for kids is being taught in some elementary schools today, however it is also up to parents and care givers to help educate children about what they can do to help look after the Earth. It used to be easier when all we had to do was ask them to pick up their trash and throw it out, but now we should be teaching them about recycling as well.
Children love a cause and are often eager to help out with saving the Earth because it sounds so noble.
Green kids love to tell parents when their actions aren't earth friendly. They also like to tell other kids who are not being earth friendly what they should do. Since the Earth will be passed on to them why not teach them while they are young to care for it? Tell them they are part of the go green kids club.
Here are a few tips you can teach them:
turn lights off when leaving a room
turn off the water while brushing teeth
don't take extra long showers
don't hold open the fridge or freezer door too long
don't stand in the exterior doorway letting heat or air conditioning escape
turn off TV when not watching (don't leave it on in the background)
turn off the computer when done using it
turn off video games when done using them
take only the amount of food you will eat
help recycle
Conservation for kids may involve some occasional sacrifices such as less water play with the hose or limited water play. At least have them play on lawn that needs water rather than on the driveway.
Kids enjoy washing cars so if you are going to let them, do it on the grass that needs water, not the driveway. Commercial car washes use less water than hand washing in many cases. Some car washes reuse the final rinse water in the cycle for the initial water on the next car wash.
Green kids like to recycle. Have them help you out by sorting into the various bins for curbside pickup, or if you take recycling to a facility have them sort items as needed in advance.
Have kids take off their shoes before walking on the carpet to decrease the amount of dirt and debris brought inside and reduce the amount of times you have to vacuum.
Children, especially girls sometimes change clothes many times a day. If she had it on for only 10 minutes and dropped it on the floor, it probably doesn't need washing yet. Have her wear it another time before washing it.
Help your children to go through their closets and sort out clothing that is too small for them so that they can be donated or given to a friend. Teach them to take care of their clothing and toys so they don't break and end up in a landfill, but can be given away to less fortunate children.
If you live close enough to school, and weather or climate permits, let your children ride a bike to school. Or, rather than drive them individually, car pool with neighbors or have them ride the bus.
Obviously, you don't want to deprive our children of their childhood, so use your best judgment with these ideas. It is much easier to get them involved at younger ages than older ages.
Please visit my other website for many more tips by clicking Here.
Also has some excellent books amazon's energy efficient homes
Monday, January 3, 2011
A Residential Energy Audit and Why It is For You.
Residential energy audits look at the house-as-a-system and find out all the ways you could make your home more energy efficient. If you have drafts, high electric bills, uneven temperatures, mold, mildew and the like, then you probably have many improvements that could be done to make your home more efficient.
A home energy audit will indicate the findings and suggest improvements you could make to increase the over all efficiency of your home. This will help you lower you energy bills and save you some money.
Once you know where the energy is being lost and what changes you can make to improve the systems in the home you will be able to improve your comfort and lower your electric bills.
Look for Energy Star appliances to save you money as well. They are more efficient than non energy star labeled appliances. You can read all about energy star and home efficiency here.
Have you ever had a residential energy audit or a home energy audit? If so I'd like to hear about it. What was the most interesting thing you learned from the process?
A home energy audit will indicate the findings and suggest improvements you could make to increase the over all efficiency of your home. This will help you lower you energy bills and save you some money.
Once you know where the energy is being lost and what changes you can make to improve the systems in the home you will be able to improve your comfort and lower your electric bills.
Look for Energy Star appliances to save you money as well. They are more efficient than non energy star labeled appliances. You can read all about energy star and home efficiency here.
Have you ever had a residential energy audit or a home energy audit? If so I'd like to hear about it. What was the most interesting thing you learned from the process?
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