The Casey Anthony Trial has many people trying to figure out the truth of what exactly happened to this precious little girl Caylee Anthony. We all want to see justice for this little innocent girl who's life tragically ended much too soon.
If you have been closely watching Casey Anthony's reaction to testimony, there has been very little reaction. In fact surprisingly little emotional reaction even when testimony was on the subject of her daughter's remains. She looks like she just doesn't care about her daughter quite frankly.
Watching tape again, of Jose Baez giving his opening statement, I was surprised at how emotional Casey looked during the part where Jose Baez brought up the alleged sex abuse by her own father, compared to the emotional reaction on her face during the rest of the trial.
Is there some truth to the allegations? Casey having to act normal at school, when things might have been quite abnormal at home, would explain her acting in a completely inappropriate, covering up way when things went wrong with her daughter, if it was an accident.
I think it is suspicious that Cindy never took Casey to a gynecologist appointment prior to her being pregnant. Really why not? Was she afraid they would find something out? What would they find out? Was Cindy thinking Casey was not sexually active? Or did she know she already was with her own father and not want that found out? That is gross and I hope not true! Everyone is being torn apart with speculation in this case which is unfortunate.
As a mother, if I had a teenage daughter, and if I had any inkling of her being sexually active, I would absolutely want her to go to a gyn appointment and get birth control, and make her understand the consequences of such behavior. STD's, Aids, Pregnancy, Heartbreak.... etc.
To me it seems abnormal that Cindy Anthony did not take her to a Gyn sooner. Even if she was sexually abused, did that make her kill her own daughter? I see no connection there. But if it was a pool accident and Casey felt responsible for the accident by not watching her daughter, and tried to cover it up because she was afraid of what would happen as a consequence of someone finding out, then I can see some of the odd behavior making sense.
If she used chloroform and killed her daughter, then she deserves the death penalty. The problem is that we may never know the actual truth of what happened. In my mind there has to be more evidence to make a decision.
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