I will be providing information on how to get started with Internet Marketing. During this time of high unemployment and high stress many people have computers but don't know they could be making money with them. Many people are loosing their homes as well as jobs.
My job is not to sell you on something that isn't good for you but if you have an interest in internet marketing and you have no money to put forth then this site is for you. I will give you lots of FREE information to help you get started. When you actually are making money from what you have learned then perhaps I'll have a product for you to purchase but only if you want to!
What I have discovered is that there is lots of information out there on the internet about this, but everyone wants some money in order to tell you exactly how to do it. I personally paid some money for an apprentice program, which fell way short of my expectations. The mentor was unavailable most of time and so was the assistant. So there was no guidance or direction. However as part of a team I was assigned a project and because of the lack of guidance and direction my team members learned some things in the process. The mentor did provide us access to information that I wouldn't have otherwise had access to and for that I am grateful.
The project we were assigned back in February 2010 still hasn't launched but is mostly ready to go pending the website. The most important lesson I learned from this is that I must take my success into my own hands. I cannot wait for other people to show me how, I must simply dig in and do it for myself (or find a better mentor). If I find a different mentor, and pay for their program who's to say the outcome will be any different?
Therefore I forge ahead creating my own path to success. I will share with you what I have learned along the way so that you too can learn.
Please comment below on what topics you would like covered in this blog. Comment on where you are with your journey in internet marketing and what you need to go forward.
Monday, May 3, 2010
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Joy, I saw your blog mentioned on a scrapbooker's page that I follow and it caught my attention. My husband was a Pastor for over 35 years, but our last church broke our heart and it's been 4 years and we still are hurting some, but Ron my wonderful husband has pulled himself back together w/the help of God, and is coaching HS football and teaching Math. All this to say, we are venturing into another "business" and I would like any help I can get on internet marketing. Thanks for listening. I could write a book about our life ~ LOL! May God bless you today, Teela