Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial Verdict A Disappointment To Many.

People are just completely shocked at the outcome of this trial. How do we know Casey didn't just hold her daughter underwater then later call it an accidental drowning? 

Even if we believe the defense and it was an accidental drowning, why on earth did she have law enforcement, and many others looking for a live child?  There should be some penalty above and beyond the giving false information to a law enforcement officer, for having all kinds of financial resources directed at finding a believed to be alive, but missing child?

Weren't hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on this wild goose chase?  She is getting away with too much! Not charged with murder, and not punished for causing the false alarm of looking for an alive child, knowing the child was dead.  To bad the prosecution can't come back with a charge related to failure to report an accidental death and improper disposal of a body (since the jurors must have believed that theory.)

She should be sentenced to 10 years of community service and paying a fine or the like, since not found guilty of murder.   I wondered why there were things the jury didn't get to hear because it may be inflammatory?  Wasn't it all vital information they needed to make a decision?

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